Welcome To The New Site
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Rob A.
This has been a work in progress for a long time, but we have finally entered the 1990s and commissioned a proper web site. John Cubbin, designer extraordinaire and Z scale enthusiast has been working night and day (mainly nights) at our new look. We hope that you enjoy it, and that it will help you learn, explore, and enjoy our products like never before. Our hats are off to John. He has truly outdone himself with the new AZL site.
Packing for Denver
A few years ago, Rob Kluz at Ztrack magazine wrote about how he enjoys receiving those plain brown boxes from AZL. Why? It almost always means a new product release! I don’t know who is happier about the brown box shipments, Rob (our distributor) or me. For us, dropping those brown boxes at FedEx is the culmination of hundreds if not thousands of hours – and dollars. We typically spend well over a year on each new project, so when we get the final product shipped from the factory, we feel like one chapter has closed and another has opened. The exploration of a new design, bidding the contract, verifying artwork and colors (oh, I do loath Pantone) decoration samples, delays, production samples, reworked tooling, and paperwork, paperwork, PAPERWORK!!! – the whole process is finally complete, the products are in hand, and we hope a few hundred Z scalers are about to have something new to smile about. There is a lot more in those brown boxes than just trains.
So as I pack for Denver (toothbrush, beer money, change of socks) I get to bring something special: a few of those plain brown boxes. We hope they make you smile.
Category: Rob's Blog